It’s a bad sign when the 204B is nice :/

So one of the carriers at my office became a 204B. She is really lovely and kind, and I haven’t had any problems with her ever.

I made a post recently about a CCA in our office with the one supervisor who made him cry, but he’s been having a really hard time as of late. He was taken off of his hold and he’s struggling with the other routes, and I’m pretty sure something happened in his personal life. This morning we were all doing our thing and casing, and then I saw the 204B and CCA talking on the other side of the office by themselves and I noticed he was crying. They talked for about 5-10 minutes and then she walked him back to his case and gave him a hug and I heard her ask him “you’re sure you don’t wanna go home?” and he said he was ok and she said to absolutely call her if he was having any trouble on the route. That seemed to give him a boost.

I went over and talked to another carrier about it and said I thought that was the loveliest thing I’ve seen happen in this office in a while and I was really glad she was the 204B, and he said it’s a bittersweet feeling because if someone with her heart stays in management, you know she’s either going to lose that empathy or switch back to carrying.

This immediately made me sad because I realized how right he was