PPE degree - advice
Hey guys! I'm a 2025 highschool graduate now seriously looking into areas of further study. I would like to ask for some general/experiential advice about the quality and use (career prospect-wise) of the UQ PPE degree.
For context, I currently study all humanities subjects (no science), including Japanese, which gives me the flexibility of 2 extra adjustment points. Furthermore, my predicted ATAR based on my year 11 results is a 96.4. My main interest in terms of a career pathway is Economics, and I originally intended on doing Bachelor of Business + Economics double degree.
- but, the atar is only 84... something i could achieve with my eyes closed (not trying to be arrogant) and I am also interested in philosophy, hence why this degree sparked my interest.
I would major in Economics, yet I wonder if it would simply be better to just do an Economics degree? I am not yet sure what I want to do as of becoming a postgrad, so I am tossing up whether it would be better to broaden my study areas, or if this would only make job-hunting more difficult.
The main reasons I'm looking at this degree are summarised below:
- A big factor is the ATAR. I don't want to waste my atar - trying in yr 12 for a 96++ just to enter a course where the standard is 84-90 seems a waste of effort. Conversely, I don't want to sit back and not try during yr 12 because otherwise, as a private school student, I would feel my parents are wasted. I want to maximise the potential here.
- Apart from politics, which I have never explored, both philosophy and economics are big interests of mine, and would make the degree quite interesting and fun (hopefully)
- I'm not even sure what kind of job I want... perhaps I need to start shadowing to get an idea of what an economics/political advisor/diplomat does?
Apologies for the spiel! I hope somebody helpful reads this and gets back to me! Whether you know anything about the degree or are studying it or a similar area that I have discussed please let me know down below, cheers :))