Prahaar modern history notes OR our own notes

hey, so i was making notes for mains, and for post independence, world history, i thought i would go with prahaar, may be i'll cut them down after prelims. I thought the same with modern history, but i wasn't able to remember the flow that i read from spectrum, so i wanted a new piece of notes, where i want to combine prahar and spectrum. But when i started writing, i think its going to take a lot more time. Thanks to spectrum book, not even able to hold it properly and write my notes. The events happening apart from mains worthy content i felt am i just rewriting the spectrum? But i need a notes where i can revise at one go and NOT search for the things i underlined.

So, i was wondering will using prahaar notes and adding new pages for cutting down content, adding new things for clarity would work? Is there anyone using that notes, pls let me know.

PS: Talking about GS guys, not history optional