Advice on my Academic Plan for Mechanical Engineering?

I started as a freshman here last fall (2024), and I have some transfer credits from high school. I was wondering if my plan for the following semesters seems reasonable or if I should switch it around?

Completed / Currently Taking
- All Global/Local Theme Requirements
- Calc 1, 2, 3
- Differential Equations
- Foundations of Math and Science (Satisfies Chem 1 Requirement)
- Intro to Engr 1 & 2
- WRDS 1104
- Physics 1 & Lab

Summer 2025 (10 credits)
- Physics 2 & Lab (PHYS 2102 & 2102L) (4 credits)
- Critical Thinking and Communication (CTCM 2530) (3 credits)

Fall 2025 (13 credits)

- Engr Mechanics 1 (MEGR 2141) (3 credits)

- Thermodynamics 1 (MEGR 3111) (3 credits)

- Intro to Energy Engr (MEGR 2499) (1 credit)
- Basic Elect. Engr (ECGR 2161) (3 credits)

- ME Technical Elective / Class in Energy Concentration (3 credits)

Spring 2026 (14 credits)

- Dynamic Systems (MEGR 3121) (3 credits)

- Manuf. Systems (MEGR2180) (3 credits)
- Design Proj. Lab (MEGR 2156) (2 credits)

- Solid Mechanics (MEGR 2144) (3 credits)

- Computational Methods (MEGR 2240) (3 credits)

Summer 2026 (7 credits)

- Meas. & Instrum. (MEGR 3171) (2 credits)
- Instrum. Lab (MEGR 3171L) (2 credits)
- Engr Materials (MEGR 3161) (3 credits)

Fall 2026 (13 credits)
- Thermodynamics 2 (MEGR 3112) (3 credits)
- Dynamic Systems 2 (MEGR 3122) (3 credits)
- Fluid Mechanics (MEGR 3114) (3 credits)
- Design Proj. Lab 2 (MEGR 3156) (2 credits)

- Mechs & Materials Lab (MEGR 3152) (2 credits)

Spring 2027 (13 credits)

- Energy Senior Design 1 (MEGR 3455) (2 credits)
- Thermal/Fluids Lab (MEGR 3251) (2 credits)
- ME Techincal Elective / Class in Energy Concentration (3 credits)

- Design Elective (MEGR 3221) (3 credits)

- Heat Transfer (MEGR 3116) (3 credits)

Fall 2027 (12 credits)
- Math Elective (3 credits)
- Energy Senior Design 2 (MEGR 3456) (2 credits)

- ME Techincal Elective / Class in Energy Concentration (3 credits)

- ME Techincal Elective / Class in Energy Concentration (3 credits)
- Professional Development (MEGR 3295) (1 credit)

Does this seem okay? I just want to make sure I'm not talking any classes in a more complicated order than what I need to. Any advice is appreciated!

Edit: I realized I can't take Engr Mechanics 1 online over the summer, its only an in-person class so I had to rework everything.