Nursery settling in - I’m panicking

How long did it take your LO to settle into nursery? My 11.5 month old had a shit first week and now I’m worried that we’ve made a mistake but I start work in two weeks and we don’t have a back up.

It seemed to get progressively worse during the week, she was crying each time I collected her (and I could hear that she was crying inside before they let me in), she isn’t eating or drinking while there (the key worker said this is is normal for settling in, but honestly I thought it was worrying that she was so nonchalant about it - how hard did they really try. My LO can be hard to feed at home even so I don’t like the idea that they might give up quickly), then on Friday it was quite dramatic - my LO screams when I hand her over to her key worker, is so stressed that she throws up as soon as she gets into the baby room, so about 30 seconds after dropping her off, they call me back to pick her back up. It takes my usually happy baby several minutes to calm down with me hugging her.

If my baby had that kind of reaction to anyone in my life I wouldn’t leave her with them again. Usually in parenting you’re told to ‘go with your gut’, my gut is telling me this isn’t right - but from what I hear most babies cry when they start going to nursery. I feel so conflicted! I would love to hear about your experiences - does this sound like normal settling in stuff, did you do a last minute nursery / childcare switch and how did it go? If money was no object I’d be looking at nannies right now.