Odds that Online Instruction affects spring sem more than the first week?

I doubt anyone here will definitively know the answer to this, but with the most recent MASSMAIL that we got about the guidelines to return to campus, it does give a little bit of a flashback to 2020 when we left for Spring Break and found out upon reaching home that school was going to be virtual.

I'm curious to see if anyone on here thinks that the University will either 1) extend online instruction past the first week or 2) at the first sight of Omicron, transition back to online instruction at some random point in the semester?

The reason this is extremely frustrating is because Omicron has proven to be more transmissible, yes, but also proven to be much less severe than other variants. It's to the point where people with Omicron at times have not even known that they had COVID and even if they did feel symptoms, the worst part was just the isolation for 10 days. Every doctor will tell you that Omicron has a lower virility. The biggest fear for myself, and I'm sure several other students, would be a small spike in cases leads to everything being shut down.

Would love to hear thoughts