Strange occurrences at the Trailer Park

Hey ya’ll,

I never thought I'd be posting something like this, but here I am. I've been living at the UCSC Trailer Park for two years now, but lately, I’ve been having some unexplainable and unnerving encounters.

It all started around mid winter quarter when I began noticing small muddy footprints around my trailer early in the mornings, almost like they were left by tiny shoes. I brushed it off at first, thinking it was just the raccoon that I see once a week or my imagination. But then, things got weirder.

One night, I woke up to the sound of high-pitched giggling and rustling outside my camper. When I peeked out the window, I swear I saw small, shadowy figures darting around the trees. They were just the right size and shape to be gnomes, I’m dead serious.

I’ve also found little trinkets – buttons, tiny tools, and what looks like miniature clothing – scattered around my trailer space. Sometimes, I feel like I'm being watched, especially when I’m outside after dark. A few of my neighbors have mentioned hearing strange noises and seeing odd lights in the woods, too.

I know this all sounds crazy, but it's been genuinely frightening. I've considered setting up some cameras to catch whatever (or whoever) is behind this, but I'm also worried about what I might find. Has anyone else at UCSC Trailer Park experienced anything similar? Any advice on how to deal with this?

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any insights or suggestions you might have.

Stay safe, only two more weeks.

EDIT: Thank you all for the comments, no I am not on drugs haha.

I will post pictures of the trinkets soon!!

EDIT 2: Update here !!!