A letter to older men: YOUNGER WOMEN DO NOT WANT YOU

This older dude who's at least 30 and I'm 21 keeps approaching me to talk to me asking how I am and I'm fed up. There's something so creepy about him he just keeps staring at me trying to do small talk. First of all age doesn't matter and if a woman does not want to be approached read the room and leave her alone. But this is especially a problem with older men?? They could literally be married or graying but still think they have a chance with younger women and actively try to keep talking to you and being "friendly" all while we can sense their ulterior motives.

LIFE IS NOT A TOLLYWOOD MOVIE WHERE THE 40 YEAR OLD BAGS THE 20 YEAR OLD. You all do not look like fucking Henry Cavill to be acting like this, even if you think you look good, age gaps are fucking creepy and you are abnormal in the head if you want to approach someone who is just out of college while your hairs are graying. Please go after women your own age it's a MYTH that us 20 year olds want these "silver foxes", hardly anyone wants an age gap of more than 5 years unless it's reasonable like 30 and 36. We now have our own money and financial security so I know it sucks that you can't prey on us but cry about it and leave us the fuck alone.

Women, you too need to stop with the "older men are more mature/secure" whatever. Work your ass off to be secure in yourself. You may think they have maturity but their EQ is at the same level or worse than the 21 year olds. Maturity comes with educating yourself and practising empathy, not with age. Men keep calling us expired milk, valueless, once we cross 25 but they've brainwashed themselves into thinking they're more valuable as they age so they can land younger women?? All cuz they're shallow beings who can't look beyond looks and bragging rights? So they can mould you into what they want and trap you in your youth? We don't actually like older men, we've just been indoctrinated to since the beginning of time because that's how patriarchy likes it. If the older ones were any more masculine and wiser than younger ones, they wouldn't be going after 22 year old impressionable women just for a good fuck, that is not the sign of a MAN. Real men aren't desperate predators entertaining multiple girls at once.