AITA for trying to leak my ex's pics
Ok I know the title sounds bad but hear me out.I dated a guy for about 6 months he was my 1st serious relationship so I was very new to everything with dating.I sent some private pics of me during are relationship and he asked me if he could share them to his friends I told him no that weird and there my private pics.Fast forward a few months we broke up and he was very upset practically staking me everywhere until he got a gf and I had a bf.A few days ago I found out he leaked my pics to his friends and showed them my pics during are relationship and cheated on me. I was crushed I trusted that man so much and with my SA history this made everything so much worse.In a fit of rage I asked my best friend who knew someone he cheated on me with and asked her for the pics but she put my name and said so and so needs this person pics and the girl he cheated on me with sent him the screenshot.He ended up texting tiny best friend and saying how I'm a terrible person and this is why no one likes me.I left after that I feel like I'm in the wrong but he has put me through so much pain.AITA