Media that makes you feel sympathetic to a character, but then they do something that makes you go "Oh yeah, they're an asshole."

I was honestly not expecting The Penguin to be as good as it was... it's basically Batman meet the Sopranos, it's rife for hacky, poor writing.

But they nailed it.

They make The Penguin such a compelling character, and a truly complex one, so much so that at some points you sort of feel sympathy for him and his situation.

That is Until he kills Vic.

The interesting thing is that... this isn't out of character for Oz, that's actually very much in-line with the pragmatic opportunist we've come to know, but he's using it to probably the most vulnerable and tragic character in the entire show, which frames his actions in a much more villainous light.

What he did is no different from the BS he pulled in earlier episodes, but... this one feels stronger because it happens with a person we like. This poor, sweet boy that was swayed by The Penguin's charm, and... could've gone away from this life.

I'm genuinely looking forward to Batman Part II, because they're cooking something special with it.