Infamous cases where a reboot did not get what made the original series work
I don't know what the trope is for when a well known or beloved franchise gets a reboot that completely misunderstands what made the original work so beloved, but it was just something that I wanted to discuss for today's topic as one example that fully killed off its own studio was the Saints Row reboot.
I mean, when I look back at this game, I have no idea on how it got approved as the game was such a flop that it quickly ended the legacy of Volition as long ago, they used to be a well respected studio, at least until the game came out.
Another infamous one is the Ratchet and Clank reboot as the music (for me at least( came off as grating, and long story short, the game had a huge amount of problems as what was released on then next gen hardware didn't even feel like a next gen title due to things like 30 FPS instead of using 60 FPS like in the original PS2 version.