Question for other transplants: Is it still worth moving to the Twin Cities?
My spouse and I are currently living in Nebraska and we have been considering a move to the Twin Cities since November. Despite Omaha being the "blue dot" in Nebraska, most areas of the city can be hostile to queer people. All the posts on this and similar subreddits have answers from 2-3 months ago, so I'd like some more current opinions based on this past week alone. Transplants (especially queer transplants from red/purple states), do you still feel safer in MSP, even in the most recent political climate? Have you noticed an increase in anti-trans or anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments in the past week? We would hate to upend our lives in Omaha in the hopes of greener pastures and wind up in a city where we're still constantly looking over our shoulders.
There are other reasons besides political that we'd like to move, but unfortunately right now politics are high on that list. Minnesota has state policies that align with our views much better than Nebraska, but if federal law takes precedence, I'm not sure that any one state would be better than another. Do you feel that Minnesota is set up to resist pressure from federal law? Or are there enough right wing residents that it will shift as red as Nebraska in the next few years?
I know, no one has a crystal ball. So I'm hoping to get some insight from actual people who can tell me how they are currently feeling. Thank you!