The patriarchy is just the illuminati for feminists.

Yes, because of the past, in America specifically, women were far behind in many things because of men from a specific ethnic background that rhymes with spite.

It's because of this, that women are just now catching up to a few things men been doing for years now. Since entering the workforce in abundance, women have been able to see what men have been seeing for years. "OH SNAP! There are people up top who keep us down."


Fraternities, secret societies, rich cliques in power, yes!! Kennedy made a speech about them before he got assassinated. Alex Jones been screaming in our phones about them. Corey Feldman been doing documentaries about them. Yes! Welcome to the club.

The problem is that a lot of women missed the mark. They just see them as "men." Us men at the bottom are just sitting there like, "are you serious?" This is why men and women are fighting each other today. They think the patriarchy is all men and benefit all men.

Bro! No!

In case you haven't noticed, us darker ethnic Americans have had chain on for years!!! Slavery wasn't all women! The trail of tears wasn't all women! The Tuskeegee experiment, crack cocain from the CIA, and Jim Crow wasn't for just all women!!

This is exactly what feminists missed in this era. So they began to realize this and saw male privilege in the form of Trayvon Martin, Tamil Rice, George Floyd, and others. So they fell back and crafted a new enemy.

" It's those damn straight ethnically bright christian males!"


Again, missed the mark completely. Tell me this, what straight man would grab Terry Crews' dick at a Hollywood party? What straight Christian man would have all male orgies with thousands of bottles of baby oil? What straight Christian man would sexually assault the little boys from Gooinies?

What are you talking about??? Straight Christians don't not run America. It's a bunch of rich ethnically bright sexually diverse people with rich investor friends from every nation around the world and some freaky wives who sit by and eother engage in the freakoffs or stand by and watch while collecting money.

They missed the mark again and now the patriarchy has a liberal mask on so the feminists can't see them.