Feminism is propped up by men.

I'm not against feminism. I want women to have rights and opportunities equal to men. But I find it interesting how so many women seem to forget that feminism is totally propped up by men. In other words, if men collectively decided "Fuck this! We're going to rule women again!" then women would become second class citizens overnight. If there was a catastrophe that caused civilization to be turned back 100 or 200 years and we had to revert to a more primitive form of culture, women would follow us again.

It's just silly how so many women act like they're some kind of badass and like to talk trash bc they're all confident. But if this were an animal kingdom, they would not be shit.

The irony is men don't even do this to each other. Like just bc I might have a better place in the world than another man, I still respect the fact that another man could kick my ass, so I'm mindful of the way I speak to them.

This of course is not to say all women are disrespectful or overconfident or whatever. But there is a lot of that type out there.