I think my boyfriend intentionally got me pregnant

To be fully transparent I’m 15 years old and I’m 17 weeks pregnant with my little boy.

The father of my baby is my boyfriend (M17) and we been together for almost a year on valentines day. But I known him since I was 10 platonically. Prior to me getting pregnant we never fought and since I gotten pregnant go figure civil war has practically broken out especially between our parents, my mom thinks my boyfriend brainwashed me and groomed me since we’re kinda 3 years apart. But I’m telling y’all he did not groom me the feelings were mutual in our relationship and it happened very organically. His parents are pissed with my mom because they don’t like the narrative she’s spreading so it’s just a whole mess and it has cause fights between us,

We recently got in a fight because, he will be going off to boot camp for the military in march and he was talking to me about what are the odds for my mom to sign off on me marrying him when I turn 16 next November. I told him they’re extremely low because my mom wants to keep me home as long as she can plus, I already kinda asked her about it and she sees me marrying him as her signing me up to have another baby. He gets really mad about it and told me that I let my mom dictate everything, and that she’s gonna prevent him from a being a father too this baby, also that the goal is for us to get good benefits and get on base housing for us and the baby. That’s when he started reiterating that it wasn’t supposed to go like this and it just ended very badly.

I ended up FaceTiming my best friend just crying, because I feel like everyone is just constantly mad at me and I was just overwhelmed. I opened up and told her about all the drama and recapped are fight and that’s when she told me She thinks he got me pregnant on purpose because he knew he was going off to the military and wanted to be able to string me along. I don’t want to believe he would that to me on purpose, I had a meltdown when the 3 test was positive and he was there for that and he seemed genuinely shocked too. But also he was the one that wanted us to stop using condoms and he told me like he would pull out, and I trusted him to know what he was doing because no shade my boyfriend got around prior to us dating so i trusted him to be a pro at that stuff. But I also should take accountability too because I didn’t really know much about sex to be like even doing it and I should have did proper research on it. Like I knew how babies were made but like the other stuff not really….my first time was an actual shock and definitely a core memory. But my point is I trusted my boyfriend to know more than me. Which I now know it’s wrong.

But do you guys actually think he planned this ?

Edit: answering questions

First one being about us getting married, we aren’t getting married we just discussed it as something for us to do to take advantage of his military benefits and to potentially get to live on base housing. But as y’all know I’m 15 and where I live you need to be 16 with parental signature to get a marriage license and with my mom saying hell no and wants me home to graduate high school it won’t be happening.

Secondly the question about why did I leave him in charge of sexual decisions, which is a good question. But the reason why is because for a bit of context my boyfriend is actually my best friend’s stepbrother and I also wasn’t allowed to date, so when I used to see him (she used to think I was sleeping over for my friend but really I was with him ). So I really couldn’t go to my mom about because she wanted me to save myself for marriage and any conversation about sex with her just made her stricter on me. So I just trusted my boyfriend to know more about sex because he did have a fuck boy phase and everything I learned about intimacy was through him, so yes I’ll admit I’m a dumbass for doing that.

Lastly everyone recommending abortion, I understand whole heartedly why everyone thinks that’s the best idea so I’m not mad at people recommending it however, I’m 17 weeks I know he’s a boy I’ve seen him countless times at my ultrasound appointments and I’m attached to him. More than anything I’m considering adoption than that. But I ultimately want me and my boyfriend to work. That’s why I post on here just to figure out if there’s some sort of compromise or hope that it gets better.