My first published arrangement! - Merry-Go-Round of Life

Good morning/afternoon/day fellow musicians! I've been arranging for trombone ensembles for a while now, having made about 5 different arrangements of pieces (popular and classical) within the last 2.5 years. Of those, a few are very entry level things, not worthy of being published (at least not yet), but with the newfound popularity of ArrangeMe, I've been able to start self-publishing some works! Of the works I've arranged, my favorite to this point is a bone choir arrangement of "Merry-go-Round of Life" from Howl's Moving Castle. It features 7 unique parts, with the melody moving throughout all of them, including some high highs (D5) and some well rounded and "fat" lows down to A1. There's an infusion of jazz about halfway through, interrupting the seemingly repetitive waltz feel, though I do believe this is one of the more beautiful modern waltzes, especially as a film piece.

I would love to see different ensembles perform this piece, and am fully open to working with teachers, professors, and students alike in editing this piece or arranging other pieces! Similarly, I believe this piece could work well for Tuba-Euph ensemble, and would love to see a performance of it!

I don't do this to earn money, I do it for fun. It simply has to cost money in order for me to publish it legally, and for it to be performed legally.

Merry-Go-Round of Life on SheetMusicPlus

UWEC Trombone Choir Performance - Ignore my poor conducting and sorry about the shaky video.