My friend uses passing as a gotcha moment, what should I do?

I’m cis passing, my friend is not. He wears a lot of makeup and feminine clothes and has pretty long hair, I don’t care its his life whatever yk? The issue is that when I bring up trans issues at all he gets really defensive about my opinions on people who don’t pass, even if the conversation is about something different. I’ve never mentioned anything negative about people who don’t pass, as far as I know. Today I asked if there was any scientific evidence behind nonbinary identities, he said something about how it shouldn’t matter and then went on to say “you have consistently made fun of trans people who don’t make the exact choices you think they should to pass. like trans women that dont even wear makeup. like okayyyy whatever ?! and you do constantly shit on nonbinary people who “just dye their hair and change their pronouns” cause they aren’t trans!!! like bro im done w that for real” He’s mentioned to friends that he thinks I think less of him because “I think he doesn’t pass.” I don’t know how to fix the issue, I don’t think Im being a dick but I apologized anyway. What do you guys recommend doing?