OHSU Thoughts & Recommendations

After years of debating the pros and cons and struggling heavily with where I want my journey to end, I have requested and gotten my recommendation referral from my PCP for FFS and Orchi! 😁

When discussing this with PCP she questioned why I wouldn’t want to slap move forward with Vaginoplasty (it’s in my future plan schedule) and honestly the reason is not knowing which kind I want for best results and how I’m so scared it’ll be botched (I see a lot of good testimonies here, but also a lot of bad ones).

With being on GAH for quite a while, my wand has significantly gotten smaller (~3.5in loss) and that could cause issues, have any of you been successful with the same experience?

Also the main reason for this post, who is your recommendations at OHSU Oregon? I’ve seen a few in the past but not many recently and hopped some of you would have suggestions.

Suggestion request for FFS, Orchi, and Vaginoplasty, please 🙏