Edges come and edges go, so now what?

So after making multiple strategies and backtesting over the course of 20 years I have realized no matter what I set my risk:reward ratio to or what indicators are used the strategy always will have some profitable times and unprofitable times and after up to 20,000 trades it will breakeven minus trading costs.

I've heard people say that some strategies work in different market conditions. So how do you identify a "market condition"? Sure, it goes up down and sideways but looking at it and seeing it go up at that moment and implementing a strategy for a bullish scenario is no different than simply placing a long position and hope.it keeps going.

I tried so many different strategies with risk:reward ranging from 1:1000 and 1000:1 and everything in-between hoping to find some mathematical annomoly and I got nothing. I truly believe these markets may indeed be complete randomness.