Ran out of gas

I left my windows down and got rain inside yesterday, not too bad, but bad enough I wanted to dry out the interior.

I cracked the windows and left it running with the heat on Hi to dry out. As expected the console told me it would shut off at 1 hour if I left it running. SInce this is what I wanted, I clicked "ok" and let it run, locked the doors and went inside.

Then I fell asleep. this morning, apparently it did NOT stop itself at one hour, instead burned through a half tank of gas, ran out and said "hybrid failure contact dealer."

But it would start, so there were fumes. I added another half gal from my lawn mower can and drove to the gas station. Filled it and now the errors have stopped except "visit dealer."

Do I need to go all the way to a Toyota dealer to get this warning reset?