New ‘24 SE-Rline all black

Traded in my white ‘22 Tiguan SE with 30k miles for brand new all black ‘22 Tiguan SE-Rline because we got a good deal with 0% APR.

(side note: threw up in the ‘22’s floorboard 2 weeks ago from a stomach virus during a road trip, so I got the smell out but was worried it would come back when the weather warms up haha)

Traded in my white ‘22 Tiguan SE with 30k miles for brand new all black ‘22 Tiguan SE-Rline because we got a good deal with 0% APR.

(side note: threw up in the ‘22’s floorboard 2 weeks ago from a stomach virus during a road trip, so I got the smell out but was worried it would come back when the weather warms up haha)