Extensive Crate Part Farming Guide (No Kiss Me Kombi or Hummer E-Xpress) - THE BEST WAY TO GET PARTS AND COMPLETE SETS

CRATE MAPS AND DETECTION RADIUS: https://imgur.com/a/QYdU7o7


So, I'm one of very few players who've actually gone and collected every single legendary set in Motorfest (for fun, I enjoyed doing it) and I wanted to delve into "what's the best way to get parts" and settle some discussions based on my experience opening over 1,000 crates, highlighting the goods and the bads. Happy to answer questions, this is pretty extensive and backed by well; my exhaustive part farming.

If you weren't here for the early launch of Motorfest, Peacock Flats is now a distant dream and every time you run Kiss Me Kombi or Hummer E-Xpress you get more and more bored.

So what really is the best way to get parts? Grand Races? Custom Modes? Feats? No! The answer in most cases is actually; Treasure Crates!

The lowdown on crates:

  • There are 81 crate locations across Hawai'i.
  • 42 in Oahu
  • 39 in Maui
  • Crate spawn rates are around 10-15 minutes with no affix
  • The radar beeping only occurs when the crate is in front of you.
  • It is the best way to get parts.

What we're going to discuss:

  • Kiss Me Kombi / Hummer E-Xpress VS this method
  • Affixes (Goldfinger, Lucky, Treasure Hunt, Collector)
  • Snowballing tactic
  • Loot Digger
  • Merging
  • Having a "crate finder" vehicle
  • Fast-fav swapping
  • Crate maps I made (linked above)
  • Map scrying
  • The super-sweat method (it's boring but it works)
  • The pink curse... (rarities)

So without further ado let's get to it.

Q: Why not Kiss Me Kombi / Hummer E-Xpress?

A: These are effective for ST2/Hyper/AGP, but not only are extremely tedious to repeat, they're significantly slower for other disciplines and can't help you get Plane/Boat/Helicopter parts.

Q: Why not Grand Races?

A: Grand Races are good for XP/Cash, they're very bad for getting lots of parts quickly


What affixes should you use? Based on my experience, you should be opening crates with Lucky at the highest possible % you can equip.

Goldfinger does increase part count which is good for merging/scrap, but it causes the Lucky % to dilute across the amount of parts. The less parts you get; the more effective Lucky is. (It sounds hard to believe, and I'm sort of inconclusive on it, but I found the concentration of Legendaries was higher when receiving less parts per crate)

Collector - Can effectively reduce the spawn rate from 10-15mins down to 4-5 at max %.

Treasure Hunt - Vastly increases the detection radius by 70%, see maps above.

Topic 2 - Snowballing

Regardless of your current part count, this should always be what you do.

You should equip all of your best rarity parts at all times, it doesn't matter if they're of the same set or not, fill your slots.

You should reroll their affix to have Lucky at the highest % possible - this might feel pointless on the greens and blues, but it snowballs fast. The higher your lucky, the quicker you move from green to blue to pink to yellow; as your rarity increases per slot; reroll and max out the lucky stat until you have 7 yellow parts across all slots of any set. They don't need to be a set, the max lucky is 178.5% when maxed across 7 yellows.

Topic 3 - Loot Digger

Despite what I say about Goldfinger, Loot Digger is still a good set to have and use - as you farm parts you should actively try equip all your Loot Digger parts on a single vehicle (especially with the 50% set bonus they added). Getting Loot Digger is RNG. It has often been the last set I complete on a given discipline.

Topic 4 - Merging


Topic 5 - Having a "Crate Finder" vehicle

The secret swiss army knife and ultimate tool to part farming and crate collecting is making a crate finding vehicle. The fun part is, you can honestly choose what this is! I initially opted for Plane as it scours the map without obstruction fast, but the speed of the vehicle has no bearing on the pace of farming. Crates have a timer, you can reduce the timer via the Collector affix, your vehicles speed makes no difference.

Once you've picked what discipline you want to make this set on, you need to farm a TREASURE SNIFFER set on it and affix to max Collector & Treasure Hunt. This vehicle will be your secret tool to getting parts for EVERY OTHER DISCIPLINE. Crates will spawn faster and you'll detect them from further away.

You use this vehicle to find crates, and you open those crates in the discipline you're farming for.

I have mine on ST2, Hyper, Racing, Plane, Heli - whatever's fun to free roam in - they're all as effective as one another.

Topic 6 - Fast-fav swapping

Following on the above, once you've located a crate using the maps and your crate finder vehicle - you need to claim that crate in your desired discipline.

If by chance you don't know already, going into the menu and selecting "drive" on a vehicle automatically puts you on or near terrain for that vehicle. I.e Planes auto spawn in the air, Boats go to the nearest water, Rally cars try to opt for the nearest dirt road, and all other asphalt vehicles default to the nearest road.

Why does this matter? Crate locations can be very obscure, hanging on the edge of cliffs or at the top of mountains, or on tiny islands - if you land near a crate and select your desired discipline via the "Drive" option, it's going to yank you from the crate area to the nearest road.

What you should do is set any vehicle in your desired farming discipline to your fast-fav (make sure you have max lucky possible as discussed prior on this vehicle!), and when you've found a crate in your crate finder vehicle, fast-fav and swap to the car you need to open the crate in - then swap back to continue searching for crates.

This method allows your crate-finder vehicle to be the ultimate key to getting literally all your sets when mixed with the snowballing tactic.

Topic 7 - Crate Maps

Linked above are Oahu and Maui maps I made to help you locate crates; they're a bit jarring to look at.

Pink maps display no Treasure Hunt affix, which is the standard detection radius (when you can expect your radar to ping for a crate)

Green maps display Treasure Hunt affix at max (+70%), which shows a massive improvement in where you can begin to get a beep from, and how many overlap.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The radar only beeps when the crate is generally in front of you (max 90° left and 90° right), you cannot experience a beep for a crate that is behind you. This means if you happen fly past a crate that's just spawned in, you'll hear no beep and assume the crate spawning isn't working/is slow.

Try be slow with your search, and wobble your vehicle around to make sure you're not just whipping past each crate accidentally.

Topic 8 - Map scrying

Motorfest has an extremely in depth and impressive map system; the entire game is literally live when viewing the map - this means that if you can't be bothered roaming around, you can literally zoom in on each crate spot to see if the crate is there before checking another spot.

This is still affected by your Treasure Hunt affix, so being in your crate finder vehicle will help with the spawn rate.

Q: I teleported near a crate I saw on the map, and it's vanished!

A: The game can get confused if you change discipline, or if you were forced to change discipline when you teleported. Simply swap to the vehicle you were in before the teleport and the crate reappears, then you can swap to any other vehicle again to claim it.

Topic 9 - The super-sweat method.

Can't be bothered roaming around? Can't find the crates? Maps confusing you? Still want parts? - This method can get you a crate every 1-3mins! (It's boring but it works)

  1. Load game, leave custom show, choose crate-finder vehicle
  2. Open map, zoom on in crate locations for Coconut Resort, Koko Crater, near Vintage Garage balloon, near Ocean 'N' Sky balloon. A crate will be in one of these locations. If not, check the one between the Made in Japan (Vol.1) and Hollywood Action balloons in Kaneohe. If it's still not there, it's just a rare occurrence.
  3. Teleport, swap to desired vehicle, open crate.
  4. Restart game, repeat.

It's boring but it works, and the game should load a little faster each time.

Topic 10 - The Pink Curse... (rarities)

Simply put, crates have a tendency to payout parts in a certain way - based on my 1,000+ crate openings, here is how I rank crate rarities based on having 178.5% lucky when opening.

Yellow - without a doubt the best, highest % of yellows.

Blue - good chance of yellows and pinks.

Green - good chance of up to 3 yellows

Pink - filled with pinks almost all the time, by far the worst crate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There are actually 3 types of each crate. While there's no visible difference, each crate rarity has a low, medium, and high payout - you can see this based on the XP/Cash it gives you, and affects the parts it will reward.

Well there you have it! I think I covered it all, but if you have questions let me know and I'll answer - remember this is a game, you should be having fun, if you don't like this method that's okay! Do whatever works for you, this is just the most effective and consistent way of earning parts.

Good luck on getting your parts, and if you're a content creator who's about to farm my entire post for a video - credit me.

Good luck and happy farming!