What’s allowed in Unova Tour?

Context is. This is my first time going to an Inperson event. I’m just curious bc I can’t find anything on what’s allowed and what’s not.

Can I bring food in? If so what kind is allowed and what’s not. I’m talking sandwiches and trails mixes and stuff not a full blown meal. Just snacks to hold me over til the event is done.

What size backpack is allowed. Does it have to be clear? What can I bring in said backpack. Portable chargers?

I take medication for epilepsy. Do I need a doctors note to take my meds in? If so what is needed on it for it to be allowed in?

If I can. Can I bring a tripod? I’m not a vlogger or anything but I just want to record this once in a lifetime experience for myself.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!!