What do y’all think the next masterwork research is going to include in pogo?
I kinda think Jirachi’s research will pop back around, because Mew and Celebi did, so I don’t think it’s too far fetched. However one I really hope for that probably won’t happen is either shiny Victini or Meleotta. As much as I’d love to see these shiny unova mythicals, it’s probably not going to happen, considering that these two have been around for a decade and we still haven’t seen their shiny forms released (Legitimately) and I kinda feel like if any of the games would release these two would be Pokemon Go. Only due to their frequent shiny mythical events, where they’ve brought back Pokemon from older games or events that are no longer active, and considering they have a mix of everything if you think about it, sure they are missing a few randos but it’s possible! ¯_(ツ)_/¯