My parents are proud of me secretly
Hi so I'm in 11th grade with typical Indian parents. My mum nd dad never show any happiness when I achieve something like I got 90.5 percent in boards ( it's not tht good) and my parents were like you could hv done better. I also got 10k for good performance in boards from dad's office. I had given an olympiad this year for which my all indian rank was 862 and I have qualified for lvl 2 but my parents said I could have come under 500. Basically in conclusion they never praised me. Today I heard my mum and dad talking to some relatives and they were bragging about how I got 10k and that I'm under 1000 top students of india. They were praising me in front of them. I was so happy lol😭.
Edit: what "trap" r y'all talking bout?😭😭