Eras Tour Regrets?

Hey Swifties!

Saw a similar post like this, but it was from a while ago and wanted to see if anyone had anything else to share now that the tour is over and has been for a month (can you believe it???).

Anyway, as the title suggests, for anyone that went to the Eras Tour, what would you have done differently? If you didn't end up going, would you have gone?

Personally, I would've waited a tad bit longer as I went to Vancouver N2 and I bought a StubHub ticket at a little north of $1.3kCAD. Couple days later saw SIXTEEN DOLLAR tickets being sold behind the stage, which was essentially where I was seated anyway. Tried to resell my ticket but had no luck... I don't regret going but I do regret not waiting a bit longer to try and buy those cheap tickets. Fortunate enough to say I'm in a position to earn that money back but kinda hurts a little that I spent one grand on a concert when I could've gone for under $20.