Tough day - learned I have adenomyosis as well.

While TTC, I learned I had endometriosis. Although I was terrified of surgery, I decided to go ahead with it. Unfortunately, before it could happen I developed long covid. I wear an FFP2/3 mask around anyone indoors, but caught it from a family member outdoors. Long covid has caused me debilitating physical fatigue and taken so much from me, I cant go for hikes or swim in the sea. At the moment I can't even walk around the block. Some days I can't make it into our own garden. All I can do is work (remote) and rest. Mostly I need to work lying down.

In a phase of long covid where I was doing a bit better, I did go for my surgery. Unfortunately, the first post surgery period was so bad that it has made the LC issues even worse. I'm still hoping I can recover from post covid issues, but progress is almost imperceptible, and not linear.

Today I had my surgery follow up appointment. He says I've healed perfectly from the surgery, which I did feel too. But unfortunately also told me I have adenomyosis.

With the LC issues, I don't even know when it will be possible to try to get pregnant again anyway. And im 40. And now this. I'm heartbroken. It's been the most difficult year of my life, and I just wasn't ready to learn about another blocker today 💔

I'd happily adopt but its not an option in Ireland. And to foster here one parent would need to be not working full time and we can't afford that. There's no mat leave for fostering here.

I always wanted to be a parent. I just, it's so hard to believe it might really never happen. I know it could yet, but today it just feels like the whole universe is against it.

I'm not even looking for any particular advice...just, needed to share this in a space where people might understand a little.

Love to everyone struggling x