Etherse Season 2 character predictions

Now that they’ve confirmed Abnimals is ending and is being followed with Ethersea 2, here’s my ideas for the new season’s PCs:

Travis: Devo la Main This is an obvious one, why fix what isn’t broken? Devo had such a rich character growth last season, going from disfellowshipped orphan to the Pope (but a nice one). I sure can’t wait to see where Travis takes this character next.

Clint: Zoox Anthellae Another no-brainer. The good, good boys have been trying to shake up the formula in recent years; how better to turn classic DnD convention on its head than having a PC who is a 60 foot tall god-mech and also stairs I think?

Justin: Amber Gris Fucking duh. I mean like honestly who else would he choose. I know what you’re saying, “Amber can’t be a PC, she’s trapped in another dimension or planet or something”. And you’re right. But come on, who doesn’t want more classic Amber Gris moments like

With a fan-favourite character like Anber, it’s a sure bet that the McElroy’s will find a way to bring her back.

Griffin: Indrid Cold I mean we all knew this one was coming right? Griff made the masterful decision in Dust 2 to bring the mothman to the wild wild west. This has opened up a world of crossover possibility, the mothman can literally be a PC in any campaign. I bet they wish they’d thought of that during Balance!

So those are my predictions. I’ve heard a lot of bummers about how Big Dog Travis is GMing and playing a PC, but I think it’s safe to say we’re in a good pair of hands. Let me know what you think; and, to quote Devo la Main: “Sacre bleu … because of mon religious trauma … I ‘ave comitted an act of Le Terrorisme Domestique