Surface Laptop Charger Question
hi all. i got the surface laptop 7 on a black friday sale and had some questions about the charger. i am in canada, in case that is helpful/relevant. i have a surface laptop 2 that i have been using up until now and, because i use it at home and on the go, i have two chargers: the official one permanently plugged in at home, and another semi-official one that i carry with me (i came to own it under weird circumstances but i believe the charger is official/legit and the power adapter is not, though frankly i'm not positive about any of that).
the surface laptop 7 came with a new cord, naturally, but i am in the same position as before: i would like to have a charger permanently plugged into the wall at home and a separate one that i can carry with me (without spending $100 on an official new one, if possible). do you all have any suggestions for an optimal configuration here?
- will unofficial cords harm my battery?
- can i leave the new cord plugged in at home and just carry my official surface laptop 2 cord with me? would it be sufficient? would it harm the battery?
- i've seen people comment on using USB-C to charge it. is that an option?? because that would be ideal! i already carry a powerful brick and good cords with me.
thanks everyone! happy new year!