Did your family fall apart from this loss?

Hi. My brother took his life Feb 2024 and since that day, I swear our family (my mom, dad and I) are falling apart. It’s so weird because I thought with a loss like this, we’d become closer and realize life is short but the opposite is happening. Right now I would say this is the most intense and “broken” our family dynamic has felt. I feel my mom is taking everything out on me - her anger, her resentment, all of it. We’ve never had a great relationship, and I try to remind myself that she is going through a horrible type of grief that I can’t relate to because I’m not a mother, but it’s so hard to be the punching bag while I’m also grieving myself. I understand that my mother can’t be there for me during this because of her own pain but I really feel like she’s pushing me away and doesn’t want anything to do with me. I don’t know if this is a normal experience or not, but I guess I’m looking to see how your family was impacted by this type of loss.