What SF6 character is similar to Bedman? from GGST?

Im trying to get into SF6, and im having trouble picking a character to stick with, im kinda split between Guile and Ken, but i wanna hear anyone else's thoughts cause im really not sure what my playstyle is.

besides this i havent played much fg, just GGST and some tekken, where i dont really have a main yet but i might say Jack-8 might take the spot there.

I like having a good poke to whiffpunish, I like having a projectile of any sort to make sure my opponent cant relax when theres space between us, and i like gimmicks that arent mechanically challenging, like minions or traps.

so i suppose my style is kinda something like "I want to make sure something is always happening" but i dont care so much for going a fast paced rushdown route about it.