[Wind and Truth] Motivational post.
We all know Wind and Truth has been getting backlash, and that's okay, different strokes for different folks, people are free to dislike anything, even if it's a classic like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.
With that being said, I do think some of the negativity might be bumming some people who genuinely enjoy Wind and Truth, and understandably so. In my case, WaT is my favorite Stormlight book, and it made me ugly cry at the end.
Yes, Kaladin and Szeth's story could use a bit more sublety, but it's jam packed with powerful moments, character development and great lessons. Both of their endings were incredibly satisfying. Dalinar's ultimate fate was incredibly cathartic for me, and I'm gonna miss him for sure, his whole arc, even in this book, was phenomenal. Adolin got more spotlight in this book than any other, and it was also amazing. I could go on, but I'm gonna leave it there.
All this to say that, please don't feel guilty for liking, or heck, loving this book. You're free to love any piece of media as much as you are to hate it. All of this may be obvious, but like Kaladin teaches Szeth, just having someone to tell you those seemingly obvious things, can really help.
Strength before weakness, Radiants.