Step 2 CK on May 3rd experience
Hey guys! I wanted to do a write up on my experience taking Step 2 CK yesterday. This time is crazy and I hope this helps someone.
Thursday, April 30th is when my friend and I found out our original test dates were cancelled. We stalked the Prometric Site Openings page and were ready to sign up for a date literally anywhere in the country. We saw that Santa Maria, California had openings on May 1-3. That was super suspicious at first, and we weren’t sure if it was legit. We realized pretty quickly that those spots were probably available because Santa Maria is very hard to get to. My friends boyfriend is from LA (we have both never been) and he helped us figure out our travel plans.
We found the Santa Maria spots at 3pm and booked a plane to LAX at 9pm the same night. We were on our way to the airport without even having confirmation that the test spots were real. I tried calling the site several times but no answer. We were literally pulling up to the airport when I finally got thru to the woman working there (she was sooo nice and helpful) to confirm our spots. She said that my friend was on their list to test on May 3rd but that I wasn’t. She had to pull me up on a different server (??) to get me on the register for May 3rd. Moral of story: GET IN TOUCH W THEM! And be polite. I could’ve flown 4 hours and driven 3 hours and not been able to take it.
Were at our hotel in LAX by 11pm that night. We took UWSA2 the next day in the hotel and were both happy with our scores. We spent the rest of the day exploring Hollywood Hills and Beverly Hills (there was literally no one there. It was amazing) and it was the mind-reset we both needed.
Saturday, the day before the test, we rented a car and drove the 3 hours North to Santa Maria which ended up being an AMAZING drive. It was on highway 101, along the Pacific Ocean and we got to gawk at all the beautiful homes and cities and mountains along the way.
We checked out the Prometric center when we got to Santa Maria to confirm it was legit then found a local hotel to stay in.
The next day was test day. At the Prometric Center, they only allowed a few people in the lobby at a time. Step 2 CK people got to get started first bc the test is 30 years long. Throughout the test I had no issues taking breaks, but they did ask that we stood 6 feet away from each other. Taking breaks was actually easier because we didn’t have to fingerprint check. I also liked using actual paper and pencil rather than the dry erase laminated paper. Overall, the test was about as exhausting as you would imagine but it wasn’t horrible.
I’m glad its over even tho I’m definitely still cringing about some answers I picked. But more than anything I am just so relieved to be done with it. The whole trip could’ve gone horribly horribly wrong but we had some amazing luck and somehow everything worked out. I was dreading having to travel so far, but it ended up being a fun adventure.
I hope my experience helps someone or just makes you feel better that legit tests are being given right now. I’m about to board my flight back home but I will answer every message or question you guys have. Good luck everyone!!!!