Taking CK next week I need advice!!!
So I’ve been preparing for this exam for almost 6 months... I scored around 65% on My first Uworld round but I used it as a learning tool not as a score predictor, now I’m doing my second round and so far I’ve done almost 25% and I’m scoring 94% and complementing it with Zanki and Wiwa.. I took UWSA1 last week and scored 245... today I took UWSA2 and scored 246 buuuut (here comes the drama) during the first block I couldn’t understand what they were trying to ask I was panicking and ran out of time leaving 2 questions unanswered... I scored 50% in that block (wanted to cry) so I took a 5min break, took deep breaths and I started to kill it... scoring 80-82% on the next blocks...
I’m just afraid this happens to me during the real exam, can’t afford to screw a whole block just because of my insecurities... how do you guys manage the fear and anxiety?