What’s a silly mistake you made early on?
I thought that the Full Shipment achievement was shipping at least one item in each category in one day. (The screen at the end of the day that tallies your shipment)
I only put trash in the shipping box because I thought it was a trash can, and just took full inventories to the shops
I didn’t know that you could buy a training rod from Willy to make fishing easier, so I just ignored fishing and struggled when I had to fish
I forgot which trees were fruit in winter and cut down several on accident
I didn’t know that you could hatch the Dino egg so I gave it to Gunther and didn’t get another until the volcano
I thought the stone ammo for the basic slingshot was something I had to buy or make, and couldn’t find it anywhere; it’s just rocks.
I sold so many museum items early on and didn’t realize that they wouldn’t go to the museum. So. Many. Items.