Vridhi Vishal.

So basically, I came across this dance reel of Vriddhi Vishal on the peelings song and somehow, I just couldn't stop myself from thinking about how and why are kids being exposed to things like this ? I mean, i definitely appreciate her talent, it's amazing and she has a bright future in it. But a kid dancing to a song like peelings with the type of choreography that it has ( which I found really cringe and vulgar even in the song when Rashmika was doing it ) , is this something that is/ should be normalised from now on ? In my very personal opinion, I don't think it's appropriate for kids to dance to any item songs or any song that has a lot of sexuality and objectification in it . I'm not sure if my mind set is right, or if it's just the thantha vibe that's kicking in. Please share your opinion.