What the hell happened to unknown #1 epic prices?

I collect artists that people consider random or unknowns. They still drop from the pool, they just don’t get any traction from a lot of people, which is pretty convenient for me.

A few months ago, I could get #1 epics of my fav artists for 15k, even 12k if I got lucky and got a considerate trader Fast forward to today, I cannot for the life of me, find an epic of the same artist below 30k. DOUBLE the price for the same artist. Still as little demand as before, the price just decided to go up.

Now here’s what I have to say. If you’re gonna blame some sort of inflation within the market, I would like to remind you that there are more songs on said market than ever before, and since the demand is the same, the prices should in theory, go down. But they don’t.

Anyone ever thought of this? Anyone know who’s responsible for screwing up prices?