S25 base or S25 plus or S25 ultra?

Which one should I buy?

I currently have pixel 7 pro which is 6.7inch.

I am on the fence whether to go for ultra or base model. I don't really want plus as it's same screen size as the one I have currently.

I don't care about camera as I don't take pics... I don't game on my phone... All I do is watch Netflix, YouTube and movies... That's it... So is 6.1inch enough to watch YouTube in bed haha also if it's 6.9inch(ultra) means it will be harder to use and hold (weight).

Also is the battery really a big difference?

The thing about S25 base is it will be easier to carry and use. I am 5ft 6 guy small hands with small hands hehe.. I am just confused about the screen being enough or not?

Which would you recommend for me is the best to get s25 base or S25 ultra?
