the elephant in the subreddit
A lot of people are bringing up the “ when they say something that reminds me, they’re a man” situation and it feels very weird and like a double edged sword. like making generalizations about a group is completely normal, but also Hamzah did say some things that would validate people’s perceptions and feelings on them. they’re not perfect and at the end of the day they are men. This weird idea that people are perfectly good or perfectly evil isn’t an ideal. Everybody makes a bad joke. Everybody says the wrong thing to the wrong crowd. There’s no way you can sit here and tell me you’ve never told a bad joke or something that was slightly offensive. I feel like the Internet is just too vast for you to be complaining about one channel that majority of the time doesn’t say these things. If you don’t like it, just watch a different video or skip it or just block the YouTube channel. i’m not trying to invalidate anyone’s feelings. I’m trying to explain why I, emphasis on I, feel like it’s a grey area and not that big of a deal.
edit: i just want to say everyone is entitled to their feelings and this is only my point of view. at the end of the day, this isn’t a fight against each other. We’re all on team slushy noobz. Discussions like these are important and I’m sorry for doing the exact same thing that I got mad at other people doing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion as well as sharing it. And just because this was not something I agreed with it’s not fair that I try to make my viewpoint seem superior to others because this is too much of a nuanced and gray area Topic.