Skull and bones rant from a 900+ hr player
First I would like to say I love skull and bones. But there's a huge problem. It's SOULLESS. It's soulless and it truly doesn't have to be. There are no interests or compelling characters in this game besides Sherlock. I truly want the game to succeed because I feel that it's full of potential but after buying the premium and playing it since it released I can't defend the final product. Though the game has greatly improved since then it still hasn't fixed this core issue And I fear the direction the game is going may just kill it. I'm probably one of the few players who believes that if the game devs follow through with releasing a new map with large ships with out fixing the lack of character in the game it will be the end of it. In my opinion that would be like extending the length of an inch deep ocean. So here's some suggestions I think the game needs to unleash it full potential.
Gave me different gameplay options to skip some of the endless grind for loot. No matter how you cut it every mission is the same. Sail to place. Destroy ship/fort/monster and sail back to port.
Possible solutions
Bell diving? Night time smuggling jobs (Mission only available at night where you must have the proper ship and crew skins to infiltrate And escape with loot) it's fine having a maxed out ship and being a literally pirate god but I wouldn't mind actually having to escape pursuers now and again.
Treasure maps Treasure maps should be rework to be more rare and give better and specific loot. Also the map themselves shouldn't be so generic. There should be only Rare and legendary maps The blue maps should be replaced with shipping route itineraries. Giving me more loot when I plunder or board enemies ships.
The purple maps should take the place of the current legendary maps and the legendary maps should need 3-4 pieces to complete also booby trap mini game to open the chest. You should be rewarded greatly for these efforts and the legendary chest should be also be limited to 2-3 per season. The reward should be equivalent to a fully loaded ship build.
A true pirate hud. For a PVP multiplayer pirate game it's anti player interaction. I shouldn't have to join a discord outside game just to communicate and organize with players
Clans, groups chat, etc An area where players gather join clans and matchmake for specific missions. Also side content and mini games just to change up the flow so I'm not burnt out destroying enemies ships. Is group emotes to hard to ask? Will you get sued for making a drinking mini game? Shit I'll play poker knife throwing I don't care something.
Escort AI. After putting in my first 200hrs in the game I realized you can actually do escort mission with injured ships. But it's not worth it at all! The ship goes extremely slow and if you happen to fire a Cannon anywhere in the ship's direction you automatically fail. You're not even allowed to heal this ship with repair guns! SMH this was a waste of potential and would have been a great opportunity to add something different to gameplay. A fix to this would be to allow me to tow the ship into Port or to allow my healing cannon to work on the ship so it can gain full speed and follow me. ( as soon as you start the mission enemy ships start attacking it and if there close to the ship you're escorting and you fire at the enemy ship you'll fail)
Another great idea would be instead of me just raiding convoy allow allies to hire me to escort convoys. Once again putting my repair cannons to use.
CREW BUILDING! another reason the game lacks a soul is because I have zero control or connection with my crew. Just by creating a couple of interesting characters i can recruit could definitely make a huge impact on the soul department. Doesn't have to be a full crew of 100 Scally wags. Let me choose the main crewmates. And let those crewmates come with perks. Example you recruit a fara warrior chief now plundering sea people ports gives you more loot.
FACTIONS. Each faction should have a point of contact from an interesting character. Also I should be able to gain their favor or scorn at will. You already have relics when doing specific missions for certain factions this should allow me to either piss off or build favor with that faction. If I'm helping the sea people then the fara should hate my guts. (Sid Meier pirates style)
KIDNAPPING MISSIONS. A mission where the goal end the mission with boarding the enemy ship and tying the target down to your mast while you escape pursuit to get to the drop off destination. Where ransom negotiations can begin. (How cool would that be)
AMBUSHING AND TRAP PLANING . There's plenty of valleys and chokepoints all across the map. wouldn't it be great if I could have a mission where I could lead an enemy sea person ship into the valley next to the sacred tree for a fara ambush? I wouldn't even mind if this was just a point and click option like in ac liberation where the MC picked trade routes.
BOARDING! I understand that traditional boarding is impossible because of the PvP mmo setting. Also it would completely kill the pacing of combat. But a solution to this problem would be pve boarding in specific areas and conditions. For instance, let's call it raiding instead of boarding and you're only allowed to do it when you have an enemy ship isolated in open water 1000 meters away from port and it's a mini game where you're commanding your crew to over take the enemy ships. This should lead to you commandeering the enemy ship (ai escort) or more loot than regular boarding. (Like Sid pirates)
Lastly there's two npc's in game that deserve Lore and back stories. The rouge pirate that literally exchanges pirate souls for items and the sea person that exchange monster teeth for equipment. I can't be the only one who thinks this is just a complete waste potential. Give them actual voice lines instead of saying "what?!" Why/how is she collecting souls? What connection does this guy have with sea monsters. Come on something.
The last thing this game needs is more open waters and nameless ports. It needs character. This PvP arena coming up should buy sometime to give this game a fighting chance. Im addicted to the naval combat so I'll continue playing for now but I believe if these changes are made this game could make a complete comeback. Here's hoping this reaches those who are willing to listen.