Si-an wants the physical attraction of Jun-seo, the caring attitude of Jeong-su, and the verbal expressiveness of Theo...why are we women like this??!!!

I don't quite understand why Si-an is still interested in Jeong-su, other than the fact that she wants her partner to be nurturing and caring like him. From what I've seen, she is pretty much sold on Jun-seo and acted as if he was her boyfriend during the last paradise. I think both Jun-seo and Jeong-su lack the verbal expressiveness that Theo has. If either of them had that quality, Si-an wouldn’t feel so torn between them. Am I just wilding, or does it seem like Jun-seo shows more respect/affection toward the guys than the girls? It felt like a foreshadowing when Jeong-su said he felt like "the eternal runner-up". Also, I didn't like the way Jeong-su called You-jin his oompa loompa...kinda felt disrespectful but it could just be me though.

While I'm glad that the Theo train has finally come to an end, not gonna lie I felt a little sad watching that scene for some reason. Also, Ji-yeon needs to leave Inferno alone because Tae-hwan is a solid zero if not a minus. In my opinion, he doesn't have the looks nor the personality and also doesn't seem very interested in her either, so not sure why he even approached her in the first place.