Finale theory
So Bernard is completely despondent and thinks his life’s work is worthless. So what did he find out?
I think the Silo is a giant social experiment, the end of the world does happens but before that does you have a group that wants humanity to go on but they want the next society to be better than them.
The Silo can kill everyone if it needs to, just gas everyone, so the sanctity of human life is not its goal. It only wants certain people and to remove people with certain ailments and it gives preference to who can procreate. So people go into 50 silos, which gives you 50 chances to hopefully over time have a new and caring society.
So over time now the Silo has just been on autopilot, the world ended or maybe not who knows what happened but I think the Silo is gassing anyone who cleans, and the “good tape” isn’t keeping out radiation it’s keeping out the toxic gas. It gases people who leave to keep up the illusion that you can’t leave. So people stay in the “experiment”