I have so many questions!!
I have probably watched this show 6-7 times all the way through over the past 10 years. I still have questions (please forgive me for being dumb):
How are Levi and Mikasa able to enter the paths if they are Ackerman? I thought Ackermans were immune to manipulation by the founding titan?
What is the difference between a subject of ymir and an eldian? I assume not all eldians are subjects of ymir (as in they do not share Ymir’s bloodline) but then I’m not sure what constitutes eldian????
Is the azamubito clan within Marley or are they a different nation’s political rulers?
I just don’t understand the whole eldian vs subject of Ymir thing!! My friend is watching the show right now and I want to be able to explain it to her when she gets there and inevitably has questions :(