Has anyone experienced positive side effects?

Besides the weight loss….

Might be a bit too early but - 3 days on Semaglutide and I feel like a “superwoman”. I was worried about the side effects that everyone already discussed in some shape or form on this thread. I was worried a lot about fatigue and nausea. As a mom for an active 3 year old toddler I cannot afford to be sick. So, took the chance and that is what I noticed so far: 1. no cravings or the slightest hunger feel. I literally made myself eat small amounts of food so I don’t get sick from not eating. 2. Thirst. That is a good thing for me because it makes me drink more water. 3. Lots of energy (even in the morning). I really woke up and felt “awake”. It felt so weird driving to work feeling awake and alert without even needing my coffee. 4. Just overall good mood.

Hope it stays that way so I can finally get rid of the baby weight.