[Help] What order should I learn to figure sculpt?

I'm really interested in learning portrait and figure sculpting in clay and I'm looking for advice on how to get started and what order to learn.

Is it better to start by learning to capture silhouette and gesture vs learning by building up the form from skeleton and muscles?

I like the idea of understanding what's happening underneath the forms, building up muscle and skin from a skeleton in a "bottom-up" vs a "top down" approach. But idk if that could be counter productive.

Ex: Bottom up approach: https://youtu.be/c1W2_DyN7ck?si=9a92PzuOBVDMHCVA

Ex: Top bottom approach: https://youtu.be/d8IGLRAJ8CQ?si=GRIPG4OPjIyPaeYJ

Also any resources/ course recommendations would be much appreciated! I have a little bit of experience with life drawing and ceramics and have some monster clay, b-mix water clay, and aluminum wire on hand.