InverseMix 3 Sign-Ups: Shoot Down the Moon

Hear ye, hear ye...

What's This?

For those of you unfamiliar (if there's any, which isn't likely), Fiction Mixer is a side tourney that branches off from the Character Scramble tourney for writers to better experiment with teams and for GMs to test insane schemes. Users will submit characters that fit the defined tier, which will then be mixed to form teams. Users will then take these teams and write in head to head matches against other users to advance through the tournament, with the winner getting...I dunno, brownie points? You can run the next FicMix if you want. Enough of the legwork, onto the juicy stuff.


You sly dog Inverse you, you're gonna make this about Fate!

Wrong! I bet you feel stupid now!

Fate's got enough leverage to be a season of Scramble proper. The theme for this season of Ficmix is the other half of Type-Moon's properties that don't nearly as much love due to no gacha machine. Tsukihime, Melty Blood, Witch on the Holy Night, Garden of Sinners, Angel Notes. Maybe even a little CANAAN. DDD? Probably not tbh.

Now, before you let all of that wind out of your sails...


Sorry, lemme fix that.


The range for submissions is a bit funky. To go along with the insanity that Type-Moon so often delves into, there are three different tiersetters.

  • The Rock: Monkey D. Luffy, Pre-Timeskip. He attacks with his blunt fists extremely hard and fast. His stretchy body also will accept most blunt blows without much effect. He's extremely durable but suffers against esoteric or piercing attacks. His Haki and Gears add extra oomph to his attacks but he's fairly simple as far as things go.
  • The Paper: Kumoko, up to Zana Horowa. She's a human-sized magic spider who prefers stealth to outright fights, as most of the time she'll die in an outright battle. Her esoteric methods of attack are incredible, ranging from rot to petrification to poison to fire to water to- you get the picture. She will not immediately fire the brain-melting ray once the fight starts. She's extremely good at active planning during fights and will know everything your submission can do after appraising them.
  • The Scissors: Gilgamesh, King of Heroes. He attacks with piercing weapons fired from any angle he chooses in increasingly large numbers. He will try substantially more the longer the fight draws out, pulling out alternative methods of esoteric damage such as fire, water, explosives, shields, lightning, and magic. After five minutes of sustained fighting, he will don his armor. He will also begin using chains to try and trap his opponent. Should a fight go on for twenty minutes, he will bring out Enuma Elish.

Click here to find a highlight reel of their most important/relevant feats. I am tentatively saying that you are able to use things not included here (BUT still within the bounds of the tiersetter; you can't use Wano Luffy feats) if they're useful for tiering someone. For example, Jango hypnotizing Luffy wasn't included in the post, but is in the RT.

For the purpose of tribunal, fighters start 20m apart in the hall of Millennium Castle. They are visible to one another unless your submission has some sort of ability to counter that.

ONE of the three should be able to unequivocally kill your character 10/10 times. If that happens, then your character is considered in tier. If your character loses to all three, they are not in tier. If your character dumpsters all three, they are not in tier. Winning against one or two, whether 5/10 or 10/10, is completely acceptable.

Here is a list of spitball suggestions.

Other Stuff

  • Submitters will be required to submit Two Submissions. They can have the same absolute loss tiersetter, but please try to keep things flavorful.
  • One Backup submission is allowed for both competitors and non-competitors. In the event that a character is deemed out of tier during Tribunal, you may choose from one of these to adopt in case--you all know the deal by now, I don’t gotta explain this, right?
  • Each submitter will receive one of their own submissions. I guess I have to keep you in here somehow, right...
  • Each submission must be posted in a separate comment.
  • Sign-ups are due by 1AM EST/12AM CST/10PM PDT/whatever you Brits use on February 7th!

Sign-Up Template

Here’s a template to make things easier.

Name: Name of the sub. Batman (Bruce Wayne), Batman (Dick Grayson), Batman (Fortnite).

Tiersetter: Are you losing against Gilgamesh? Luffy?

Series: The series your sub is from.

Content Warning: Just in case.

Bio: A short biography of your character. Just for people who need a quick grip on your character with not a lot of time.

Research: How and where do you research the character! So if they show up in chapter 600 of One Piece whoever gets them doesn't have to start from the beginning.

Abilities/RT: This is where you'd ideally put the RT, or mini-RT. And maybe a little explanation to be nice.

Justification: Why your character fits the tier.

Minor Changes: For your standard minor changes. Removing powers, limiting characters to certain arcs, lesbian, the works.

Major Changes: This can be used to match your character's attribute to tier, get rid of scaling, or something else that drastically affects how a character fights.

Writeup Prompt

You wake up in the halls of a grand castle. The walls are old, blue-white flowers bloom in every patch of grass. When you come across what can only be the throne room, chains decorate the royal chair like party streamers, though the seat is empty. Lost but not discouraged, you decide the place seems abandoned. You walk around, wondering how you got here, when suddenly you encounter...whichever tiersetter you can win against! Write how your submission dominates them, or squeaks out a victory.