What are some times you found yourselves separating the art from the artist?

For those of you who don't know, separating the art from the artist involves differentiating appreciation for an artist's work from their actions. James has done this on at least four occassions in four different videos, as listed below.

Every Pixar Villain Ranked (the Hopper section): "Though, rather unfortunately, I do have to say that it's Kevin Spacey's vocal performance that really makes this character as great a villain as he is. I guess it's pretty fitting since Kevin Spacey is evil in real life."

Every George Miller Movie Ranked (the Mad Max 2 section): "It's such a shame Mel Gibson is... you know, Mel Gibson, because he has such blinding charisma in this film."

Every Disney Villain Ranked (the Hades section): "James Woods sucks, and I mean really REALLY sucks, but man does he imbue what could have been a pretty standard villain with so much delectable charisma and humor."

Every Muppets Movie Ranked (the Muppets from Space section): "Pretty sure this guy is a war criminal now, but even if he is a bad person, the performance is funny."

I'll go first with my own example. Dory in Finding Nemo is really funny and quotable... too bad Ellen DeGeneres is more despicable than Gru ever was.