The Show Aired!!!

I thought I’d get on here and there’d be a long discussion thread of the first episode.

I liked it - and could not be more stunned about Lisa! Now that I think about, I should’ve thought that sooner, but on the podcast she sounded pretty chill - kind of a “good riddance to bad rubbish” vibe. I thought Lisa provided more background colour to the story rather than participation, if that makes sense.

Lindsey is beautiful and looks like I imagined she would.

I can’t wait to see further episodes - what does Alita (Aleeta? Not sure on spelling) look like?

I’ve listened to this podcast numerous times and this doc was so satisfying. It was like meeting people in person for the first time. I get how she sucked so many people, she was very engaging.

But not you, Lisa! You had her number from the get-go!