Tea from Lady C re: Netflix's reaction to the Tragedy Tourists
As I always say, take this with a grain of salt. That said, it sounds totally plausible and more like true than not. It's a lengthy post, so I'm only posting the Meghan related portion.
The Hollywood bongo bongo drums have been beating out an interesting message to me. Netflix is evidently furious with the Duchess of Sussex for further besmirching her reputation - in the process putting another nail in the coffin of Netflix's hopes of a positive return on THEIR investment - with that ghoulish, ambulance-chasing 90 mile "I'm officially The Queen of Royalty" visit to Pasadena. According to my Hollywood royalty chum, "Meghan has a positive knack for doing the wrong thing. Tina Brown is right. She has the WORST judgement of anyone. She's such an obvious opportunist, a cackhanded fraud with neither heart nor charm. Netflix is ripping its hair out wondering how THEY can divest themselves of the pestilence that the association with her has become. She seems intent on working her way into being the most despised human being on earth."