How likely is this? Herpes question.
So I was a virgin and had sex with this guy. a week or so lster i am feeling sick and get blisters on my genitals etc etc, my test comes back positive for hsv1 and Chlamydia. I had been having trouble reaching him but spoke with him today (he reached out) and he immediately told me he got tested and had Chlamydia, and also revealed that he had been fucking another girl. now what he didnt know, that i did know, is that this girl used to be an escort... I asked him if hes ever had cold sores and he said no. I told him i had a herles outbreak and was diagnosed HSV1 and he seemed really concerned, apologetic, and regretful. I aksed him how long before getting with me was he with this other girl and he said 2 weeks and i know the incubation period for hsv is 2-12 days. is it possibke that he contracted hsv1 from this girl, was asymptomatic, and then spread it to me in that short of a time frame? does hsv1 become contagious that soon after contracting it with no physical symptoms or no?
I feel bad for him but at the same time I dont. I wish he wouldve disclosed that he was sexually active with another person before we had sex and i feel stupud for being so uneducated and not even asking him to get tested before this.